How to update XML file from QTP

How to update XML file from QTP

In previous QTP tutorial I shown how QTP can read data from XML file.
Today I will explain how to update XML data from QTP.

We will use this XML file:
Initial XML fileNote: You can download this XML file here.

Let's check how to update different values in above XML file:
  1. How to rename the title of first book?
    The QTP script is:
    Const XMLDataFile = "C:\TestData.xml"
    Const XMLNewFile = "C:\TestData2.xml"

    Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    xmlDoc.Async = False

    ' update the title of the first book
    Set node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/bookstore/book[0]/title")
    node.Text = "Romeo and Juliet - Salvation"

    ' save changes

    And the result is:
    Note: The numeration begins from zero. That's why I use book[0] to access first item.

  2. How to change the year of second book?
    I skip the opening and saving of XML file (see above QTP script). I show only the essence:
    ' update the attribute of the second book
    Set node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/bookstore/book[1]/title/@published")
    node.Text = "2009"

    And the result is:
    Note: Use @ to access an attribute of XML node.

  3. How to add new author add its new attribute?
    QTP script:
    ' select a parent node
    Set parentNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/bookstore/book[2]")

    ' add a new author
    Set newNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement("author")
    newNode.Text = "Mr. Noname"
    parentNode.AppendChild (newNode)
    And the result is:
    As you can see, we've added "Mr. Noname" as the new author.

  4. How to add new attribute for author (XML node)?
    QTP script:
    ' select a parent node
    Set parentNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/bookstore/book[2]")

    ' add its attribute
    Set newAttrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("bestseller")
    newAttrib.Text = "yes"
    The result is:
    New attribute of a boof and its value ("bestseller"="yes") have been added.

Well, the working with XML files from QTP is easy enough.

  • shown in QTP - how to change value of XML node
  • shown in QTP - how to change value of attribute
  • shown in QTP - how to add new XML node
  • shown in QTP - how to add new attribute

Do you have any comments, dear reader? Please, leave them below the present article.
Thank you in advance :)

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Anonymous said...

It's very useful!
How to append a new node as one copy of an existed node ?

Dmitry Motevich said...

@ Jerryzhang,
Add new XML node and assign a required value (from an initial existed node).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your reply.
I found that "xmlDocumentNode.cloneNode(true)" method can copy existed node ,and it's childnodes.

Dmitry Motevich said...

@ Jerryzhang,
Thank you.
I didn't know this method.

Anonymous said...

Other problem: If I saved the xml file from FireFox, the XMLDOM cannot parse it. The value returned by "xmlDoc.load()" method is False.

Dmitry Motevich said...

Check whether XML-file is correct.
P.S. No detailed info - no precise answer.

Anonymous said...

I tried the above example gives me an error object required at the "node.Text = "Romeo and Juliet - Salvation" .

Dmitry Motevich said...

@Anonymous (October 8),
I tried the above example does not give me an error object required at the "node.Text = "Romeo and Juliet - Salvation" .

Pavan Chennam said...

Hi this is Pavan Chennam
Regarding to print all the child nodes of a parent node how we have to proceed further can you explain?

thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

hi this Pavan Chennam
I have one problem with how to get all child nodes of parent in xml using qtp? please explain

Dmitry Motevich said...

@Pavan Chennam,

Sonny said...

I am using QTP to record SAP Portal, I am having hard time with qtp being able to record or recognize time entry cells in CAT2 SAP Tcode, any help appreciated!
also is there any way i can ask the qtp to go to next column everytime i run the test?

Dmitry Motevich said...

What does it mean - "any help appreciated"?
Sorry, but I do not plan to do your work and to write QTP scripts instead of you...

Anonymous said...

Hello dmitry,

I really liked your Loadrunner video tutorials.It was of great help.Thanks a lot!
Can you guide me as to how do I go about learning Loadrunner?
Can please give us a step by step procedure to become a loadrunner expert that would be great :)

Pavan Chennam said...

hi motevich
thanks for your reply iam greatful to you for helping me in resolving my queries in Qtp and i have one query in my mind i.e how can we modify a node name can u plz suggest me
thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Hi I tried your example.while running it is giving error saying that object required:'node'. could you please tell me how to do that.
(I downloaded your xml file, then I write the eg. in qtp test. This is what I did.)
Thank you in advance

Dmitry Motevich said...

@Anonymous (January 28, 2009),
I didn't face such issue.
So, I'm afraid I cannot help you.

Unknown said...

I have used the below mentioned example to automate my application. But I was stuck up @ parameterizing the "Book[2]" When accessing nodes i want to use generalize it instead of mentioning 2 or 3 in braces. When i try to pass as parameter it is not reading any elements with in the node. Please help me in solving the issue.
' select a parent node
Set parentNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/bookstore/book[2]")

' add its attribute
Set newAttrib = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("bestseller")
newAttrib.Text = "yes"

Anonymous said...

I tried the code mentioned above to update a node in XML. I get "Object Required" Error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Anonymous said...

It's a very useful information; clear and concise explanation; easy to understand.

Thank you for sharing.