Automated Correlation in LoadRunner - Video

Automated Correlation in LoadRunner - Video

Correlation is a key concept of HP LoadRunner. The present LoadRunner video tutorial explains how to correlate dynamic values in LoadRunner automatically:
  • How to find dynamic values to be correlated
  • How to compare recorded & replayed dynamic values
  • How to correlate them in LoadRunner
  • How to verify correlation
There is a screenshot from the present LoadRunner video:
Different server responses
Also, this LoadRunner video explains concepts of Correlation and how Correlation works.
Video tutorial demonstrates LoadRunner Correlation by the example of HP Web Tours application, which is shipped with LoadRunner. So, you can repeat and learn all shown actions yourself.

Automated Correlation in LoadRunner - Video

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$insi said...


Thanks for sharing the knowledge about the automation correlation. I think it will bevery useful as correlation one of the major issues what we face in scripting.

$insi said...

Hi Motevich,

Currently I'm working on a project where we are checking the response time of login transcation and another requirement is we need to updated the failed user id's in a flat file. Can you help us in scripting this?

Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Typically I am not the kind of person that would leave comments Ybut your posts are amazing. I am surprised at how much information each one carries and I really appreciate the fact you are putting so much of your time and effort into writing them so that everyone can benefit from them. And I am not even a test engineer still i found them very interesting. Good Job.

Anonymous said...


I'm trying to measure page load times in a web app. How do I verify that the page I go to next is fully loaded? Do I use content verification (web_reg_find)? I am measure the time it takes for a page to load and then the user goes to another page and another and so on. I need to know how long it took for page one. How long it took for page two and so one. I'm using transactions for each page, but I want to make SURE that the page is fully resolved/loaded before the scenario goes to the next page. So, does LoadRunner automatically do this or do I have to use content verification or do I do it in some other way?


Dmitry Motevich said...

@Anonymous (Brian) (November 12, 2008 2:27 AM),

You can use an approach described here:

The idea is to check whether closed "html" tag has been downloaded from a server.
If not, you can resubmit web request.

The code is:

int i = LR_FAIL;
while(i == LR_FAIL){
web_reg_find("Text=<\\html>", LAST);
i = web_url("",

Dmitry Motevich said...

@Anonymous (November 11, 2008 6:53 PM),
Thank you very much.
I'm glad to see that you found my blog so useful :)

Dmitry Motevich said...

@ $insi,
You can use fprintf or fwrite functions to put values into a file.
If you have questions, I recommend to send them into LoadRunner group

Anonymous said...

Hi Motevich,

I simply can't get your audio (sound) to play. I have no problem with MSMedia Player and all sorts of other sites. I've checked everything but come up with no answer. Is your site working? Has anyone else had this problem?


Dmitry Motevich said...

I didn't record sound.
Instead if it, you can read text messages.

Anonymous said...

Hi Motevich,

I really like the way you set up the video. With what tools did you make it?

Another question is much more related to the webtours application. I notice in the submits that they contain login.x and login.y. Each time you record a script they are included, but the values are different each time. These are not found in the responces (I even looked with Wireshark). Do you know where they come from and how to correlate them?

Keep up the good work!


Murali said...

I would advice against using Automatic correlation most of the time, unless you dont know how to do it. For production quality scripts - please use manual correlation - gives you much more portable and reusable scripts....

Ravi said...

Dear Motevich,

I fortunately found your website in Google search. I thank you for your all postings especially load runner videos, these videos are really great and useful for me.

Thanks allot

Anonymous said...

Hi Dmitry ,
Could you please help me scripting documentum wep top application where many binary bodies are there in the web_custom_url and web_submit_data.

Kind Regards,

Dmitry Motevich said...

@Anonymous/Bijoy (January 19, 2009),
Sorry, I do not plan to do your job.

Vikas said...

Thanks so much for sharing this. I now understood the basics of correlation. Thanks Again. Keep blogging!

Unknown said...

Hi Dmitry,

It would be really helpful if you can give me information on the following query I have on Loadrunner...

Can I configure Loadrunner to listen to HTTPS/SOAP events at a particular port and use the values in its parameters???

thanks for the vast load of information you have posted on loadrunner, it makes life easy for beginners like me :)
