QTP Videos & LoadRunner Videos

QTP Videos & LoadRunner Videos

HP QTP (QuickTest Professional) Videos:

1QTP video tutorial - How to record QTP scriptQTP video tutorial - How to record QTP script

The present QTP (QuickTest Pro) video tutorial covers the following:
  • How to record QTP script for Web applications
  • What record and run settings should be used to run and execute QTP script
  • How to replay/execute QTP script
  • How to get results of executed QTP script
  • How to enable capturing screenshots during QTP scipt replaying
  • How to enable capturing video during QTP scipt replaying
2QTP video tutorial - How to capture dynamic textQTP video tutorial - How to capture dynamic text

The present QTP (QuickTest Pro) video tutorial covers the following:
  • How to use QTP to capture text from the page
  • Settings from QTP 'Output Text Value Properties'
  • Explanation for QTP Output value
  • Explanation for left & right boundaries
  • How to save QTP Output text value into QTP DataTable
  • Differences between Global and Local QTP DataTable sheets
  • How to read value from QTP DataTable
3QTP video tutorial - QTP DatatableQTP video tutorial - QTP Datatable

This QTP video shows how to work with DataTable.
You will learn different QTP DataTable concepts:
  • How to create QTP DataTable parameter using QTP Data Driver
  • How to create QTP DataTable parameter manually
  • How to read/write values from/to QTP DataTable
  • QTP script and DataTable execution settings
  • Global and local (action) sheets of DataTable
  • QuickTest Professional data-driven tests
4QTP video tutorial - QTP RegExp and dynamic link in QTPQTP video tutorial - QTP RegExp and dynamic link in QTP

This QTP video tutorial covers the following:
  • working with QTP Object Repository
  • identification properties of QTP objects
  • QTP RegExp in object's properties
  • how QTP identifies objects in application
  • and others...
5QTP video tutorial - QTP Descriptive ProgrammingQTP video tutorial - QTP DP (Descriptive Programming)

This QTP video shows and explains concepts of QTP Descriptive Programming:
  • What is QTP Descriptive Programming?
  • How to pass properties and their values directly to test object?
  • How to pass properties and their values using Description object?
  • How to select Descriptive Programming properties of a test object?
  • How t0 oconvert usual QTP script into QTP Descriptive Programming script?
  • How to debug QTP DP?
  • Different secrets of QTP Descriptive Programming
6QTP video tutorial - How to run QTP test from command lineQTP video tutorial - How to run QTP test from command line

Do you run your QTP tests suit manually?
What about running them on the schedule, for example nightly testing?

I will show the way how to do that - i.e. how to run QTP tests from command line.
Using that approach, you can execute your QTP tests on the schedule.
7QTP video tutorial - QTP Recovery ScenarioQTP video tutorial - QTP Recovery Scenario

This QTP video shows and explains how to create and work with QTP Recovery Scenarios.

For example, during an execution of QTP test, it can be interrupted by different windows, pop-ups, message boxes, etc. The problem is that they can appear at any time and you cannot predict these events.

QTP provides Recoverry Scenarios to process such unexpected events and errors.

HP LoadRunner Videos:
1LoadRunner video tutorial - Automated Correlation in LoadRunnerLoadRunner video tutorial - Automated Correlation in LoadRunner

Correlation is a key concept of HP LoadRunner. The present LoadRunner video tutorial explains how to correlate dynamic values in LoadRunner automatically:
  • How to find dynamic values to be correlated
  • How to compare recorded & replayed dynamic values
  • How to correlate them in LoadRunner
  • How to verify correlation
2LoadRunner video tutorial - Manual Correlation in LoadRunnerLoadRunner video tutorial - Manual Correlation in LoadRunner

The present LoadRunner video explains how to manually correlate dynamic values:
  • How to find dynamic values in a server response
  • How to correlate them in LoadRunner
  • How to verify the LoadRunner correlation manually
  • How to use LoadRunner correlation functions
3LoadRunner video tutorial - LoadRunner Parameters, part #1LoadRunner video tutorial - LoadRunner Parameters,
part 1 of 3 (Select next row = Sequential)

The present LoadRunner video tutorial covers the following:
  • How to create new LoadRunner parameter
  • How to use 'Simulate Parameter' feature
  • Settings on Parameter List dlg:
    Option 'Select next row' = 'Sequential'
    Option 'Update value on' = 'Each iteration'
    Option 'Update value on' = 'Each occurrence'
    Option 'Update value on' = 'Once'
  • How to view an output value of parameter
4LoadRunner video tutorial - LoadRunner Parameters, part #2LoadRunner video tutorial - LoadRunner Parameters,
part 2 of 3 (Select next row = Random)

The present LoadRunner video tutorial covers the following:
  • How to create new LoadRunner parameter
  • Settings on Parameter List dlg:
    Option 'Select next row' = 'Random'
    Option 'Update value on' = 'Each iteration'
    Option 'Update value on' = 'Each occurrence'
    Option 'Update value on' = 'Once'
  • How to view an output value of parameter
5LoadRunner video tutorial - LoadRunner Parameters, part #3LoadRunner video tutorial - LoadRunner Parameters,
part 3 of 3 (Select next row = Unique)

The present LoadRunner video tutorial covers the following:
  • Settings on Parameter List dlg:
    Option 'Select next row' = 'Unique'
    Option 'Update value on' = 'Each iteration'
    Option 'Update value on' = 'Each occurrence'
    Option 'Update value on' = 'Once'Option 'When out of values' = 'Abort Vuser'Option 'When out of values' = 'Continue in a cyclic manner'Option 'When out of values' = 'Continue with last value'
    'Allocate Vuser values in the Controller'
  • How to view an output value of LoadRunner parameter
6LoadRunner video tutorial - How to capture the whole Web pageLoadRunner video tutorial - How to capture the whole Web page

This LoadRunner video tutorial shows how to capture Web page.
Using this approach, you can get HTML source code of any Web page and then downloade it to a local file.
7LoadRunner video tutorial - How to record a file saving in LoadRunnerLoadRunner video tutorial - How to record a file saving in LoadRunner

In some cases, we need to save PDF (or other) file on local disk and process it (edit, parse, or compare with 'etalon' file).

The present LoadRunner video tutorial explains how to record PDF file saving in LoadRunner.
8LoadRunner video tutorial - How to check a downloaded fileLoadRunner video tutorial - How to check a downloaded file

Do you know how to check that a file or a page was downloaded successfully in LoadRunner?
The present LoadRunner video tutorial explains how to do that.

There is an easy and practical approach.

Dear readers, as you can see, I performed a huge work to prepare these videos.
In general, it took me ~ 60 hours for each video:
  • to think up examples (they should be simple)
  • to develop a scenario of video tutorial (I prefer logical and 'step-by-step' scenarios)
  • to record video (actually, not easy task)
  • to make, edit, check and recheck, and then again to remake movie (it should be ideal!)

I think, that my readers should get the perfect QTP and LoadRunner video tutorials. And I create such video tutorials.
That's why I ask you to help me - please, make donations. Your donation will mean that my videos were useful fot you and I'll be glad that you learnt something new.

It will motivate me to make new, even better videos!

Related articles:

Dmitry Motevich


Anonymous said...

Hi Dmitry!
im using load runner for testing documentum applications.but im getting some errors.can u help me out in this? thanks in advance

pattansa said...


The video are really helpful.

Michael Betley said...

I am using Loadrunner to record Peoplesoft (PS) scripts. I am using HTTP/HTML for my protocol during recording. I am not using the Peoplesoft Enterprise protocol because we do not have a license. How important is it that I use the PS protocol for PS applications versus the HTTP/HTML protocol. Will I run into any issues? Please let me know as soon as you can as I am working on a script that is critical right now. Thank you for your help.

nitin gambhir said...

does nebdy knows what dis error
" No background bmp defined in section "General" entry "BGBmp" while installing qtp 9.2 means ??


Unknown said...

Hi Dmitry

Your videos are really educating. Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

I want to know memory leakage concept and how I can know the same through loadrunner


Unknown said...

Hi Dmitry, Thanks for all this, This is great!!
Anyhow, would it be possible for you to somehow serialize this material?
For people who are new to LR, like me, can you just let us know what to read/view first, second and so on?

That would be great... Thanks.

moogeestocks said...

I executed as per your code
but it shows error while executing.
Window("Calculator").WinEdit("Edit").Type DataTable("Expression", dtGlobalSheet)

CurrentResult =Window("Calculator").WinEdit("Edit").GetROProperty("text")
Msgbox CurrentResult
ExpectedResult = DataTable("ExpectedResult", dtGlobalSheet)
DataTable("ActualResult", dtGlobalSheet) = CurrentResult
Msgbox ExpectedResult

If CurrentResult = ExpectedResult Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"MathResult", ".CurrentResult is equal to ExpectedResult:" & ExpectedResult
Reporter.ReportEvent micfail,"MathResult", "CurrentResult:" & CurrentResult & "it is not equal to ExpectedResult:" & ExpectedResult
End If

Could you please let me know where i did mistake

Unknown said...

Hi Damitry,

Thank Very Much it is very good video material for qtp


Unknown said...

Hi Dmitry,
I am new to testing, your videos are great. Do u give classes too on testing? I am in New York and my email is mala.roberts@gmail.com.
Please send me all the information regarding the same. Thanks Mala

ritesh said...

Hi Dmitry..
I read the post on "How to perform operations on objects"

my scenario is i have a webpage in which th number of links are dynamic and so is the order in which they appear.(For ex:for a certain option the links in the page might come in the order 1,2,4,3,5 and for another option it might be 5,1,2,3,4).
My question is how to i click on the certain link if i know which link to click w.r.t the option?
Please help me out.
Solution would be appreciated very much..

Anonymous said...


I came across your old article on WMI, I have run into some specifc errors when executing your samples, but as comments, for that blog are disabled .... I could not submit my issues.

Please let me know where I can send you my queries.

thx jeevan (jnsunkersett@ibibo.com)

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much the videos are very clear and very helplful :)
GREAT !!!!

Leandro said...

I read your article about reading XML with QTP. Do you know how to get the whole xml source code into a string or a txt file?
I need to get a file on the web and save it to a local storage folder.
thank you

digvijay singh said...

Your blog content and video are really awesome and very helpful for me and i hope it will help other's beginner's too....

Thanks man .....


Raja said...

When I Use the following code to read values from XML file, I get Run Error.

The code is:-
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = False
xmlDoc.Load "C:\testdata.xml"

Set nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/bookstore/book/title/text()")
var = nodes.NodeValue

msgbox "Name is :" &var

The Run Error is:-
"Object doesn't support this property or method: 'nodes.NodeValue'

Line (8): "var = nodes.NodeValue". "

QTP is not able to recogonise Method "NodeValue", it gives error when ever I use NodeValue.

Please help

Anonymous said...

Hi Dmitry,

Your tutorials are fantastic. May be you should add more ..

MRP said...

Hello Dmitry,
Could you please provide some information on Mainframe performance testing. How to start, tips for scripting, what are the metrics to be collected.....
I would really appreciate your help in this regard.

Unknown said...

Hi, Dmitry
I am new for QTP, first time here in your blog...I am really love the ways you explan and lay-out detail...This help me a lot, I willing to pay you if there is a ways (remote online) you can teach me on QTP....
Let me know if you can, so we can work it out..
Best Regards

Anonymous said...

Hello.. Just happened to go thru ur blog ! its just wowow!!!! there is no audio , but as u had explained in writing , its so clear ...A big thank u :)

Preeti said...

It is very wonderfull center

Anonymous said...

Hi Friends,

Dmitry is dead, thats why, there r no postings in his blog,

Dmitry Blog Reader

Anonymous said...

Hey Dimitry,

You are the Greatest Online Teacher Mother Earth has ever produced.
I am big fan of yours.

Kindly keep posting new Videos on QTP and LoadRunner.

your fan from India,

Lokesh Singh Sengar

Dmitry Motevich said...

I think, I'm not dead yet :)

Unknown said...


I have a question, could you please help me with the code?

I creating messages for both Guest and Member

For each message creation I need to pick a randomly generated number from 1-100.

If the number generated is 8 or any number b/w 5 & 10, then it should pick LogIn/Registration.

Message Category List
Member Id 1-5
Log In/Registration 5- 10
. 90-100

How do I do this?

Arenita said...

Hello Dmitry, is it possible to count the rows from each column?

Thank you for all your knowledge!

Anonymous said...


I saved the recovery scenario for a test. On clicking save button, test folders dialog opened. I chose the test to which i wanted QRS to be associated with. I was shown following folders in that dialog..
I clicked save of the dialog and this QRS was added at the end of all these folders.
My query:
I am not able to view QRS in action. I wanted it to click close program dialog of internet explorer not working. The dialog remains there. Close program button is not clicked. Please suggest where things went wrong. I am using QTP 10.


Anonymous said...


Some popups remain after test run. As AOM is used, these popups need to be closed. At the end of script, a script is to be added to close all the alerts for popups and internet explorer has to be closed. Is there any such script to close IE and all of the popups. For example, mail id is added in one of the inboxes and save button is clicked. If save button is clicked before the mail id is entered by the script, alert with message "Please enter valid mail id" appears. Now this alert and the corresponding background webpage are to be closed.


ayisha said...

Your site is very good.

Automation Testing said...

hi blog master i use all application automation testing good Knowledge sharing and i am getting more help to learn this topic test automation testing process and i think you blog have great worth nice job keep it up