QTP DataTable - QTP video

This QTP video shows how to work with DataTable.
You will learn different QTP DataTable concepts:
  • How to create QTP DataTable parameter using QTP Data Driver
  • How to create QTP DataTable parameter manually
  • How to read/write values from/to QTP DataTable
  • QTP script and DataTable execution settings
  • Global and local (action) sheets of DataTable
  • QuickTest Professional data-driven tests
There is a sample screenshot from the present QTP video:

QTP DataTable - QTP video

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Dmitry Motevich

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QTP DP (Descriptive Programming) - QTP video

QTP DP (Descriptive Programming) allows working without native QTP Object Repository. QTP Descriptive Programming provides test objects' properties and their values.
So, QTP uses Descriptive Programming statements to identify objects in AUT (application under test) during Run-time.

This QTP video shows and explains concepts of QTP Descriptive Programming:
  • What is QTP Descriptive Programming?
  • How to pass properties and their values directly to test object?
  • How to pass properties and their values using Description object?
  • How to select Descriptive Programming properties of a test object?
  • How t0 oconvert usual QTP script into QTP Descriptive Programming script?
  • How to debug QTP DP?
  • Different secrets of QTP Descriptive Programming
There is a sample screenshot from the present QTP video:
QTP DP (Descriptive Programming) screenshot

QTP DP (Descriptive Programming) - QTP video

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Dmitry Motevich

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QTP Hackers - How to decrypt encrypted (SetSecure'd) password

I will explain you how to decode an encoded password in QTP.
Using QuickTest Professional and this approach, you can hack email accounts published on Internet. Are you interested? :) So, continue reading this QTP tutorial for details.

I've just recorded a simple script, which signs into Gmail. It:
  1. Fills 'Username' in
  2. Fills 'Password' in
  3. Clicks 'Sign in' button
Gmail screen
And the recorded QTP script is:
Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("Email").Set "someaccount"
Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("Passwd").SetSecure "493844a99bee0e3ab952f2e867fd08e3"
Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebButton("Sign in").Click

As you can see, QTP script is simple enough.
I've set "someaccount" to 'Username' editbox. But what about 'Password' editbox? What value have I filled in?

QTP encrypted the password using SetSecure method:
WebEdit("Passwd").SetSecure "493844a99bee0e3ab952f2e867fd08e3"
QTP Help:
The SetSecure method is recorded when a password or other secure text is entered.
The text is encrypted while recording and decrypted during the test run.

How to know the initial text?

There is one trick. Apply SetSecure method to non-secured edit box!
Instead of this QTP code:
Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("Email").Set "someaccount"
Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("Passwd").SetSecure "493844a99bee0e3ab952f2e867fd08e3"
I run this QTP script:
Browser("Gmail").Page("Gmail").WebEdit("Email").SetSecure "493844a99bee0e3ab952f2e867fd08e3"
And the result of this QTP script is:
Revealed PasswordYes, "mypwd" was encrypted to "493844a99bee0e3ab952f2e867fd08e3". So, "mypwd" is the password I filled!
So, this is an easy way to decrypt an encrypted password in QTP.

By the way, there are two ways how to decrypt a password in QuickTest Professional:
  1. Using Crypt.Encrypt
    str = "Some Text"
    encrStr = Crypt.Encrypt(str)

    'encrStr' will contain an encrypted text.

  2. Using Password Encoder from 'Start/Programs/QuickTest Professional/Tools'
    QTP Password Encoder
  • I explained two ways how to crypt a text in QTP
  • I shown an approach how to decrypt an encrypted text

Well, I promised to show how to hack email addresses... I remember!

I searched several QTP sites and forums for "SetSecure" function and found that some QTP engineers published their code snippets with encrypted passwords (for example, entrance into email accounts) :)

Now you know how to "read" (=steal) passwords in plain text.

Why do I tell that?
Just to remind - be careful when you publish such private info on Internet.

Dmitry Motevich

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