15 QTP sites/blogs/groups/forums

15 QTP sites/blogs/groups/forums

1QTP on Easy way to automate testingQTP on Easy way to automate testing

There are a lot of QTP videos. Each QTP text tutorial contains screen shots.
So, this is a well-illustrated blog containing interesting info for QTP newcomers and professionals.
You can find here different QTP videos and tutorials. Example QTP video #1, #2, #3, #4, etc.
To get new QTP videos and articles automatically, you can subscribe to blog.
2QTP Google groupQTP Google group

This is a moderated QTP group. A great place for newcomers and professionals to improve knowledge and experience in QTP.
This is a very big QTP group - more than 1250 members as at Jan 19th, 2009. So all issues will be resolved quickly.
You can subscribe to this group here.
Before posting, please read Rules, FAQ, and others pages.
Quality Center on HP ForumsQuality Center on HP Forums

Office HP forum for all questions related to HP Quality Center.
Unfortunately, there is no subbranch of QTP-related questions.
There are a lot highly professional specialists on this forum, so visit this forum from time to time to improve your professional skills.
QTP on sqaforumsQTP on SQAForums

This is a QTP branch of SQAforums site. Moderated forums where you can find solutions to different QTP questions.
As a bonus, several HP QTP Support engineers share their knowledge and experience.
Before posting, please read forum guidelines.
5AdvancedQTP siteAdvancedQTP site

Great site containing unique and interesting information about QTP.
Authors publish periodically articles about non-documented QTP features, investigations, books, etc.
Site contains internal forum.
6KnowledgeInbox by Tarun LalwaniKnowledgeInbox by Tarun Lalwani

Tarun Lalwani is well-known in QTP global community as a highly professional QTP engineer.
His site contains a lot of artciles about different QTP features and topics - Descriptive Programming, VBScript, and even original QTP tools.
Software Iinquisition siteSoftware Iinquisition site

Amazing site! Definetely, you will like their simple and clear QTP articles.
Authors (Marcus Merrell & Will Roden) describe parts of their Software Inquisition Foundation Library for QTP (a kind of QTP Framework), and many others interesting things.
Stefan Thelenius' blogStefan Thelenius' blog

Don't want to waste your time developing and implementing Test Automation report, Test Suite Driver Script, and others interesting things? Read Stefan's blog.
9HP QuickTest Professional Software siteHP QuickTest Professional Software site

Official HP QTP's site.
There is a lot of related information - documentation, demos, guides, downloads, news, and so on.
'Automated Chaos' blog'Automated Chaos' blog

The blog does not contain too many QTP articles, but all of them are interesting and unique.
Use this practical experience to save your time while debugging your QTP script or implementing QTP framework.
11Ankur Jain's blogAnkur Jain's blog

Yet another great blog about QTP and QTP-related issues. Ankur has the ability to describe complex things in simple terms.
Also, it's possible to ask questions in comments or on local forum.
12Theo Moore's blogTheo Moore's blog

Theo Moore is a man who knows everything :)
As for QTP, readers will find different articles to extend their theoretical knowledge and improve their practical experience.
13HP Advanced Self-Solve Knowledge SearchHP Advanced Self-Solve Knowledge Search

'Knowledge Base' of QTP-related articles, manuals, documents, webinars, and others extremely useful documents.
Many artciles contains 'must know' technical information. Greate place to prepare for QTP certifications.
This site requires HP login.
14QTP on tdforumsQTP on TDForums

There is another good forum about QTP. Also, TDForum contains great info about working and tuning of Quality Center.
Site requres registration from corporate (not public) email account.
Mohan Kumar Kakarla's QTP blogMohan Kumar Kakarla's QTP blog

Site contains QTP scripts which can be a core of QTP Functions library. Real-life examples.

Note: I understand that this list of QTP sites is not complete and ideal.
It only expresses my own opinion.

I would be thankful if you shared your favorite QTP Internet sources to expand the present list.
So, feel free to send them to me:
Dmitry Motevich's email

Dmitry Motevich

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qualityking said...

Hey very interesting list, and I have also visited almost all of these blogs, sites and forum and also an active member on sqaforums.. I am also developing a DP object repository which can be stored outside the QTP.
It uses database and a local web based application with javascript and vbscript which can also be hosted and can be run locally by double clicking on the webpage.. I guess without providing visual it will be difficult for describe and to understand
It also has several advantages which I’ll come later when I’ll complete it and host it in my weblog for downloads… I hope when you will see and use those pieces of code will surely add my blog in your list
Manish Bansal

Dmitry Motevich said...

@qualityking (Manish Bansal),
Sure, let me know when you complete your project.
I can publish or announce your OR alternative and recommend your blog.
Do not forget to send the link of your blog :)

Tarik Sheth said...


Wonderful composition of the blogs.
I have almost all on my blog roll.

Dmitry Motevich said...

@Tarik Sheth (January 27, 2009),
I'm glad that you liked this list :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dmirty,

Plz clear my doubt in LR.

How LR will recognize the application while play-back time? Is there any object recognition mechanism ?

Anonymous said...

Please post a video on testing Web Services using QTP.

gregptm said...

Mohan Kumar Kakarla's QTP blog
the link is incorrect I believe it should be:

currently it is linking to:
Stefan Thelenius' about Software Testing site

Dmitry Motevich said...

@gregptm (March 11, 2009),
Thank you. I've just fixed the link.

Anonymous said...

wonderfull job and i found helpfull materials for QTP and LoadRunner. thanks for you time and cooperation

Anonymous said...

Thanks you for your time and effert you have mode to make LoadRunner easy and simple to underatand

baderaju said...

I want to add objects during run time. For example, lets say customer page displayed which has 4 Web Edit fields, two weblist etc ,i want to capture these during run time only( i know creating objects thru OR and accessing those objects).For some purpose i need to capture the objects at run time and then add them to a temporary folder. I am using this code to get the objects in that page:
Set oDesc = Description.Create()
oDesc("micclass").Value = "WebEdit"
Set Links = Browser("xyz").Page("xyz").ChildObjects(oDesc)
NumberOfLists = Links.Count()
strTest =Links(i).GetROProperty("name")
By this i am able to retrieve all the web edits in that page and their names. But i have to add these objects to a temporary area, is it possible to do this?
I want to create objects during runtime for that particular page and then add them to local repository and use them again in the script.I have 70 clients, and they use the same customer page but with different object names in the page sometimes they do sometimes they have the same names.I dont want to create 70 different object reporsitories to access the web pages for each client
Please advise on this..
Appreciate any help...

qualityking said...

did you try dynamicDP
DynamicDP will solve your query the way you want it...

Юля и Митя said...


was great help dealing with web_reg_save_param, great and friendly idea!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dmitry,

Ur blog is just awesome!!!
its as wonderful as a magic....

Really appreciate the hardwork u putin ...

Unknown said...

Hey I want to know how can i capture the XML file field values using QTP